Our journey towards more sustainable holiday making
We have a profound belief in the positive impact that holidays have on people. And we’re proud of every great holiday memory we help make. But travelling also has an impact on our planet, our climate, our environment and our local communities. That’s why we are constantly working towards a more sustainable way of holidaymaking in all its aspects. One step at a time.
Our impact

Sustainability report 2023

We are proud to present our sustainability report for financial year 2023. You can find our report here.

In this report, we share our progress on sustainability. We have structured our report around three pillars, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG). Each chapter focusses on one of these pillars, where we share our key achievements and highlight examples that reflect our results and challenges of the past year.

While we are proud of the steps we are taking on the journey towards more sustainable holidaymaking, we also are very aware of the challenges ahead. One of the objectives of transparency is to learn from others.

Do you see possibilities to collaborate, in order to make the tourism industry more sustainable? Is there something you have feedback on? Please do not hesitate to contact us. You can reach us on sustainability@sunwebgroup.com.

Previous sustainability reports
Sustainability report 2022
Our impact


We want to be transparent: travelling to and from your holiday destination is often the biggest creator of CO2 impact. Especially if you fly. So we’re working to minimise the CO2 footprint of flying. Next to that, we include more climate friendly transport in our holiday packages, such as self-drive, bus or trains.

Sustainable Aviation Fuel

Along with our partners Neste, Transavia and Brussels Airlines, we invest in Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). SAF reduces CO2 emissions by at least 80%. Currently, it is the best available fuel alternative and with our partners, we are exploring ways to increase SAF use across all our flights. In 2023, we added 0.5% of SAF on all our passengers flights.
Alternative transportation

Traveling by train has 7 to 11 times less environmental impact than traveling by plane. That’s why we try to include trips by train. In 2022, we organised our first train holiday package to Puglia in the South of Italy. And we’ve got further ambitions to develop train travel in close collaboration with our partners.

Another more climate friendly mode of transportation, is choosing the bus or drive yourself. We currently have many bus and self-drive holidays to our winter destinations.
Our impact


Certified accomodations

We encourage all the accommodations we work with to get Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) recognition, as they comply with the highest social and environmental standards. GSTC-Recognised accommodations are evaluated on their sustainable management, and socio-economic-, cultural-, and environmental impact. Things like waste recycling programmes, water conservation measures, and local community support count towards this.

Striving for plastic-free beaches

Coastal regions and marine life are hugely affected by plastic pollution. And as it happens, beach destinations make up most of our portfolio. So you’ll understand that this problem is of particular concern to us. That’s why Sunweb Group has been a proud partner of the Eneco Clean Beach Cup for over 13 years. During this event, we clear the Dutch and Belgium coastline clean of plastic waste. Feel free to join us!
Our impact

Working conditions

Our workspace

At Sunweb Group we have reduced our plastic consumption, and we encourage use of recyclable products, aiming to purchase sustainably-certified office supplies. To further reduce our climate impact, we have installed energy-efficient lighting in all our offices. On top of that, our Rotterdam office has a cold and heat storage system and is equipped with a green roof.
Our people

To bring out the best in our people, we provide them with a creative, healthy and safe work environment. But we also encourage a flip-flop state of mind. A mindset that breaks routines, explores new horizons and rewires the norm into something unexpected. It stimulates more sustainable habits as well, like commuting on public transport, something Sunweb Group is happy to compensate.

Human rights

Sunweb Group protects and supports human rights. Each Sunweb Group partner must be compliant with all national and international regulations concerning human rights, including complying to minimum wages and maximum working hours.
Rewarded sustainability efforts

The highest Travelife certification

Nice to know: in 2021, the Global Sustainable Tourism Council rewarded the Sunweb Group with the highest Travelife certification for its sustainability efforts. It takes into account the management of both environmental and social criteria such as energy efficiency, waste management, human rights, and cultural impacts.

Our partners in sustainability


7 sustainable tips


The sky is the has a limit

Of your entire trip, flying has the biggest impact on the climate. Try to opt for climate friendly transportation, such as the bus or train. Alternatively, consider flying less often or pick a destination closer to home!

Green stay

Always look for sustainably certified accommodation. And once settled, choose to use your towels more than once to save energy and water. And when you leave, turn off the lights, fan, air conditioning, and heating.


Nobody enjoys a beach or ski slope littered with plastic. You can help to avoid plastic pollution by using reusable shopping bags and reusable water bottles. Just don’t forget to take them with you when you leave!

Into the wild? Keep it wild

Animal excursions can be exciting, but make sure you have a certified guide or visit an attraction that respects wildlife. Keep your distance, don’t make big noises, and don’t disturb the animals.

Experience the local

Get off the beaten path and visit a village inland, a local farm, and dine where the locals go. It’s not only exciting, it often has a positive impact on the local community and economy.

Shop responsibly

When buying souvenirs, avoid objects made from endangered animals and plants, such as coral, feathers, ivory, turtle shells, fur, shark teeth, and snakeskin. Look for local handcrafts and objects made from recycled material.

First things first

Sustainable traveling starts at home. Pull the plug on appliances and put your thermostat and heating on the lowest setting. Last but not least, try to pack light! It helps save CO2 emissions during your trip.

Let’s talk

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